Monday, 12 November 2018

Twelve Days In
Today is the twelfth day of NaNoWriMo 2018 and I'm taking time out to give you an update on my progress . . . or lack of it. That's not strictly true because although I'm behind and not achieving the word count needed to write 50,000 words in the month of November, I have averaged over 1000+ words so far. 
In my last post, I was close to making a decision about whether to participate or not. I did choose to register and decided to write as many scenes from my new novel as I could.
Here are some benefits I can see so far:

  • I have written something every day apart from two separate days when I was out all day. On each occasion, I wrote words on the next day to compensate. This means that on my graph - I love graphs! - there is a steady rise in the words I've written.
  • I've read through the previous day's writing and done a quick edit  before I start writing a new scene. This puts me back into the scene and I'm able to hopefully slip back seamlessly into the story.
  • As I write, I've inserted comments to follow up later. This has given me a better idea of the areas of research I need to do before I begin to write the novel properly. So far these include: duties of a groom and stable girl, officer training in WW11, legality of accepting a 'foundling', getting letters and mail to soldiers in France. 
I'm enjoying getting to know my characters. The scenes are from Mary's story so far and written from her point of view. 

Thank you for reading this short post. I haven't written any scenes today so I'll get back to my novel and report back to you in a week or so.

If you are taking part in NaNoWriMo this year, how is it going for you? I'm thrilled that many of my writing buddies are doing so well and are on track to achieve their goals. I'd love it if you commented, even if it's just your word count if you prefer. Thanks.

You may also follow me on Twitter @JanBayLit and on my Jan Baynham Writer Facebook page.


  1. Sounds like whatever the outcome, for you NaNoWriMo is a very positive experience, Jan. All writing is good writing, or at least its the basis for better writing!
    Not doing it myself, as you know. My wordcount for November (new story) is around 14k which is short of what I'd need to 'win' I guess!
    The very best of luck! What matters is words on the page. Not how many but how satisfying they are. You're still a winner! xXx

    1. Thanks, Carol. Just over 15,000 words today but I know it's not as good as writing I've done before BUT I am writing and getting back into it and letting the words flow was my aim. Well done on your 14k. of the new story. :-)
