Pocket Novels
My guest on the blog this week is Sandra Mackness who writes
as Jill Barry. She’ll be talking about her passion for pocket novels. She's the
author of eight romantic fiction novels, a writer of erotic fiction (Toni Sands
- Xcite Books) and has written one psychological suspense novel.

It’s a pleasure to talk to you and your readers again,
Jan. Yes, my latest pocket novel, Mallorcan Magic, brought some sunshine to the
bookshelves earlier this year. I’ll say more about My Weekly below and, could I
say, please, back copies of all D C Thomson pocket novels are available by
ringing FREEPHONE 0800 318 846
Can you tell the readers what a pocket novel is?

I had one rejection before attending Sally’s excellent
online course. (This book was revised and published as Love on the Menu by
Endeavour Press). As part of this course, I began planning and writing a pocket
novel and learnt a lot both from Sally and from my fellow-students. I’m still
in touch with writers I met online.
Do you write them alongside your full-length novels?
Sometimes, yes, I’ll set up a new document where I jot
down ideas for the next book, maybe write a scene while it’s fresh in my mind.
Meanwhile, I can be fine-tuning another work ready to submit. I’m currently
hoping to find a publisher for a new novel called Love Thirty while writing a
new pocket novel for The People’s Friend.
How would you sum up the differences between your pocket
novels and your full- length novels apart from the obvious one about length?
Good question! With the longer version, I think it’s
possible to introduce more characters. An author can also afford to give more
oomph to a minor character, provided he/she is integral to the plot. I’m not
talking about padding in order to increase the word count but I once successfully
introduced an extra character when asked to produce a further twenty thousand
words. It sounds daunting? Yes, but it got me out of a hole!
Are there any ‘ingredients’ that are essential for a pocket
There are indeed. As in a longer novel, you need strong
characters that the reader will identify with. Emotion is particularly
important in a romance or family saga and a little humour always goes down
well. Dialogue should still push the plot along and reveal character aspects.
It’s also important for the author to keep the readership in mind, when hoping
to impress the experienced team who’ll be reading the submission.
I think it’s important that the hero gets his say, especially
when the other half of the couple is seeing things differently from him,
thereby adding to the conflict. It’s good writing practice to begin another
scene or chapter when switching to a different viewpoint. But another author
might prefer to stay with a single point of view.
Are there any subjects that are taboo when writing pocket novels?
Thanks for raising this, Jan. A pocket novel is aimed at
readers for whom family and traditional values are important. So, sordid or
offensive subjects should be avoided. This doesn’t mean all sweetness and light
and flawless characters! Disappointed dreams in different forms can happen and
send a character or family in a different direction to rediscover happiness or
success. Thrills and spills, particularly when writing for My Weekly, are a
definite plus, but readers enjoy being surprised, delighted and intrigued
rather than horrified and saddened.
Is there always a happy ending?
The Happy Ever After, or the promise of one, is a given!
Is there a difference between the pocket novels of The
People’s Friend and those of My Weekly? If so, can you tell us what that is?
The links included below will give you the criteria for
both. My Weekly pocket novels require a word count of 50,000 while The People’s
Friend request a maximum 38,00 words, this difference due to the larger print
size of their publication.
Where are readers able to buy the pocket novels?
UK Supermarkets stock them, also W H
Smith, but an independent newsagent should be able to order in advance. To take
out a subscription, you can contact the FREEPHONE number above.
Are there Kindle and eBook versions of pocket novels?
Readers might find these websites
helpful if they wish to download titles to their devices.
Where do you get your ideas?
My career history is pretty varied so four of my stories
are (loosely) based on my own experiences and I always ensure my fictional
characters are multi-faceted and not carbon copies of people I’ve met over the
years! When I wanted to try my hand at ‘cosy crime,’ my other half came up with
the concept of pedigree dog theft in a chocolate box village so the result was
Puppy Love, a longer, large print version of which is also available in the
public library system. Sometimes I draw on holidays to give a sense of place.
My latest (awaiting a response from My Weekly) was inspired by my trip to Australia last
November, when I attended my son’s wedding. So, prepare for sunshine, kangaroos
and more than one gorgeous Aussie male if I receive the editor’s thumbs up!
Somebody I meet might trigger an idea because I usually write character led
stories. So, perhaps a woman performing a role we might generally perceive as a
male one, is perfect for contemporary fiction. The changing role of women from
WWI onwards can inspire some interesting historical stories and there’s
something comforting about writing in a former era where mobile phones and
computers were mere glints in the eyes of inventors yet to be born!
On average, how long would it take you to write a pocket novel?
I’d say three to four months but, if I could concentrate
solely on that work in progress, I could probably complete a first draft in
four to six weeks. Fortunately, unless writing to meet a deadline, I can choose
my own hours but I like to include visits to the cinema as well as meeting
other authors and looking round museums, galleries, etc. You could also say
Andy Murray is responsible for interruptions to my writing time over the tennis
What advice would you give someone about to embark on
writing his/her first pocket novel?
It’s important to read what other
authors have written so do get hold of more than one pocket novel. The People’s
Friend or My Weekly? Decide where your strength lies. Are you more of a saga
writer, enjoying family-based dramas? Or do you identify with thrills and
spills, twists and turns? A developing romance, of course, is always popular
though do, please, respect the individual criteria so you don’t cause an editor
to blush! Anything too graphic is strictly taboo.
Please tell us about your current WiP. Is it a pocket novel?
It is. Revising my latest
full-length novel has taken my time lately and I also have an idea for a series
set in a former era but this latest Pocket Novel is aimed at The People’s
Friend. All I can say is, tracks and tickets will be involved on this rocky
ride to true love.
Are the submission guidelines for both magazines available
on the relevant websites?
Links for both The People’s Friend
and My Weekly guidelines are included below.
My Weekly
The People’s Friend
Thank you so much for taking time to come on the blog again, Sandra. It's been fascinating finding out about pocket novels from you. Good luck with your current WiP. I do hope your editor approves and readers will find it on the shelves very soon.
I've enjoyed it, Jan. Thank you.
Thank you for reading my blog. Do you read or write pocket novels? I'd love it if you left a comment about what it is that appeals to you. Thanks! :-)
You may also follow me on Twitter @JanBayLit and on my Jan Baynham Writer Facebook page.
What a lovely interview - and so interesting. I didn't really know anything about pocket novels before reading this. It is obviously a specific market and that means the writers have to have real empathy with the readership. I agree with Sandra's comments about writing from different viewpoints. This can add depth to both plot and characterisation, as well as cranking up the tension if necessary. Thanks, Jan and Sandra, for this post. Really enjoyed it.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Sue. Sandra's answers are so full I'm sure anyone thinking of writing a pocket novel will find the information very helpful. I'm glad you enjoyed the post. 🙂
DeleteJan came up with some excellent questions, Sue. I'm delighted you found the Q and A session interesting.
DeleteLovely to hear your thoughts on our writing world, Sandra, and pocket novels in particular. Sadly here in country Australia I can no longer buy them. I've enjoyed writing pocket novels in the past but now concentrate on Australian rural and outback fiction instead. Look forward to catching up with you Sandra when you return to Australia.
ReplyDeleteGreat to hear from you, Noelene, and I wish you well with your writing. Thank you so much for taking the time to drop by.
DeleteThank you for your comments, Noelene. With your experience as a pocket novelist, I'm sure Sandra's answers struck a chord with you. I'm sorry to hear that you can no longer buy pocket novels in Australia.
DeleteInteresting post especially as a fellow pocket novel writer! As you say knowing your audience is crucial. I did notice you mention 38,000 words as the maximum for PF but in the guidelines it actually says up to 42,000 and I know mine usually come in somewhere between 40,000 and 42,000.
ReplyDeleteAngela Britnell
Thank you for popping by and commenting, Angela. The audience will vary depending on which publication you're writing for so it's essential to do your homework, I'm sure.
DeleteHi Angela. Thanks for picking up on this. Yes, I was a bit taken aback but I checked with Tracey and she confirmed 38,000 because of the larger print. I have a feeling my last PN was edited as I'd submitted K42 on that occasion.
DeleteA very interesting post, Sandra. You've created a great blueprint for taking up the challenge of writing a pocket novel. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteI'm so pleased you found Sandra's answers interesting, Christina. I look forward to seeing a pocket novel title from you on the shelves some time soon. 🙂 Thank you for popping by.
DeleteSo pleased you called in, Christina.
DeleteI loved reading this, Jan. I've met Sandra a few times but didn't realise the breadth of her work. I really enjoy reading about other authors and how they write - thanks for a really interesting interview!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Sara. Yes, Sandra is a very experienced writer of a wide range of genres, isn't she? She's always very supportive of unpublished writers like me, too, and generous with her time and advice. I'm glad you enjoyed the interview.
DeleteTrying not to sound too cheesy! I think it's great when we absorb information and advice from other, more experienced authors, then in our turn try to help those who are in the place we remember so well. Thank you so much for the kind comments.
DeleteA most interesting, and informative, post, Sandra. Many thanks to you and Jan for it. Reading this reminded me of how much I enjoyed writing a pocket novel for The People's Friend a few years ago, and of how pleasant everyone in Dundee was.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you enjoyed Sandra's informative answers, Liz. As a writer of a pocket novel, many of the points she made will have struck a chord with you. The people you dealt with sound lovely. Thanks for dropping in.
DeleteD C Thomson have a good reputation within the publishing world, which is, I agree, well-deserved. How lovely to hear from authors whose writing I admire :)
DeleteThank you. I'm glad you found it useful. :-)