When blog day falls on the designated day for remembrance, it seems fitting that my post today should be about the importance of honouring those who gave their lives while serving their countries, thereby ensuring our freedom. I am always moved by veterans' stories at both the Festival of Remembrance and the service at the Cenotaph. Those of us who didn't live through the World Wars or who are not touched personally by the wars since cannot even begin to imagine what it was like.
'The Reluctant Soldier' is a video made in tribute to Hedd Wyn on the centenary of his death in 2017 and was beamed onto the 80ft tall National Library of Wales building in the week of Armistice Day.

Last week, I sent off novel two to my publisher. Its provisional title is now 'Her Secret Daughter' and it opens in 1943 with Joe Howells receiving the dreaded telegram. His son Brian has been killed in action at the battle of Messina in Sicily and in his grief, Joe is immediately taken back to his own time as a soldier serving in World War I.
'Transported back to the horror of the trenches, he slumped to the floor and cradled his arms around his head, cowering. He tried to shut out the noise of the shells exploding around him. He gagged on the stench of bloodied bodies, relived the pain of the gas blistering his skin under his damp uniform, tasted the burning bile in his throat and in his lungs as he tried to breathe.'
There were - and still are - many men and women like Joe who bear both physical and mental scars and whose lives are blighted by their experiences of active service. That is why for me the act of remembrance each November must and should continue.
Thank you for reading. What novels set in wartime have you enjoyed? Do you write novels set in one of the World Wars? I'd love to hear your thoughts on why the genre remains ever popular. Thank you.
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